WATCH THE VIDEO HERE The Nigerian stock market closed in the green on Friday, January 17, 2025, with a gain of 170.62 points, finishing at 102,353.68. This marks an increase of 0.17% from the previous day’s closing figure of 102,183.06, despite a noticeable decline in trading volume. Trading activity dropped by 30.5%, totaling 327.8 million shares, compared to 472 million shares the day prior. Meanwhile, market capitalization rose to N62.8 trillion, up from N62.3 trillion, as the index approached the 63 trillion mark once again. On the positive side, CAVERTON, LIVESTOCK, and SOVRENINS each recorded significant gains of 10.00%. Conversely, ACADEMY and PZ emerged as the notable decliners, with losses of 9.74% and 9.09%, respectively. Overall, market volume experienced a downturn with ACCESSCORP and FIDELITYBK leading the trading charts as the most actively traded stocks, making substantial contributions to the day’s overall turnover. The market experienced a notable decrease in trading activity, with volume declining by 30.5% to 327.8 million shares. Key highlights from the session include: In terms of trading value, the day was dominated by: SWOOT category FUGAZ stocks The FUGAZ group, comprising FBNH, UBA, GTCO, ACCESSCORP, and ZENITHBANK, delivered a mixed performance: