WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Meek Mill hopped online to take a jab at DJ Akademiks amid his recent alleged child grooming controversy. Ak went viral after a livestream with Tory Lanez’s alleged manager and a 15-year-old streamer named NourGxd, took a wrong turn. Ak asked Nour a series of inappropriate questions and faced major backlash. “If your a parent go get ya kids phone and block this man he’s grooming children with a very large platform that “kids” like… also attempts to ruin black families and black success daily,” Meek tweeted, adding, “ VILLAN IN THE VILLAGE”. After viewers expressed concern about the livestream, Ak apologized, calling the incident a “teachable moment.” “This is about the 18th time y’all have tried to have this conversation. I get it. Y’all are upset. ‘How do we cancel Ak?’ I’m still the biggest, pause. You can’t cancel what you didn’t build,” Ak said. “If you’re my audience and you don’t have no sympathy for me, I’ve always said, I ain’t gon’ lie. I’ve done a lot of bullsh-t up in this game. Trust me. I’ve got mine off. This issue aside, which, again. I am wrong. I will be better. This is a teachable moment.” Akademiks have had several back and forths on social media. Recently Ak trolled Meek over his close relationship with Sean “Diddy” Combs who is currently sitting in a Brooklyn jail awaiting trial for alleged sex trafficking.