WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Nollywood actress Mercy Aigbe has cried out over ploys from cinemas to discourage people from watching her movie. The movie star, who made her entrance to the Cinema world last year, released her second cinema movie, Thin Line and in a screenshot she shared online from a fan, the person had gone to the Cinema to watch her movie and was told not to watch it, the fan went to another cinema and was advised also not to watch the movie. Reacting to it, she committed their plots to God’s hands as she revealed that her DM was full. She stated that her joy is that the reviews she has been getting have been good. “Lori THINLINE, Baba gba Ope wa, Baba gba Iyin wa Because my DM is full. As an investor, it’s not easy getting all this feedback; trust me, it’s not! One thing that is my joy in all of these is the Reviews from people who have seen THINLINE Because of these incessant complaints!!! Whew! But regardless we move!!!”. Taking to her comment section, her colleague Jamiu Azeez confirmed the fan’s statement as he testified that at Maryland mall, people were been told not to watch her movie because there was no AC. “I can testify to the Maryland mall. When I went for the meet and greet, the AC in the hall for Thinline wasn’t working, and the attendants were telling people before getting tickets that there was no AC in the hall, which discouraged a lot of people. I had to start begging people to please help us watch it like that just to support this woman who has invested so much in this project”. A day back, Mercy had recounted one of the challenging moments she faced while filming her latest Cinema movie, Thinline. In a lengthy post on her Instagram page, she revealed that she woke up one morning on set and her eyes were swollen, and she couldn’t film. She said the pain was excruciating and she had to be hospitalized. Mercy stated that it had been an experience for her on this journey as there have been a lot of challenges while filming the movie, but she gives God the glory. Mercy stressed that the movie took a lot of pain, blood, and sweat.