WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Adeyanju, in a statement on Tuesday via his X account, said Obi spoke the mind of Nigerians, and no harm must come to him for his statement. Naijaonpoint recalls the former presidential candidate, Peter Obi, had, in his New Year message, accused the government of President Bola Tinubu of inflicting hardship on Nigerians with his economic policies while he and his cronies in power live large on the nation’s resources. In response, the APC National Publicity Secretary, Felix Morka, accused Obi of misinforming Nigerians, adding that the former Anambra State Governor crossed the line and is being irrational. Following the statement, Obi alleged threats to his life and that of his family members. Reacting, Adeyanju condemned the words of Morka, stating that it is worrisome that Nigeria is sinking into a full-blown dictatorship. He added that no harm or danger must befall the former presidential candidate. “I condemn the threat to HE Peter Obi’s life for being a vocal voice of opposition in Nigeria. No harm or persecution must come to him. “Criticizing and holding the government accountable cannot be a crime but must be commended as the greatest sign of patriotism. “Nigeria is sinking into a full-blown dictatorship and a one-party state before our very eyes, and all the concerns of HE Peter Obi are timely and spot on,” Adeyanju wrote.
Activist and human rights lawyer, Deji Adeyanju, has defended the 2023 Labour Party (LP) presidential candidate, Peter Obi, over his recent clash with the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC).