WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Nollywood actor Yul Edochie has once again bragged about his facial looks. Taking to his Instagram page to share a photo of him on the set of his new movie, The Last Goodman, he urged his fans and followers to name one actor in Africa who is fresher than him. The controversial actor stated that he would be waiting for their comment as he noted how he is a coconut head. “Name one actor in Africa who’s fresher than me. This isn’t the first time Yul is tooting his horns. Last year, Yul gave his haters something to talk about again as he declared himself the best actor in Africa. Taking to his Instagram page, he claimed that many people are saying he is the best actor in Africa, which he concurs with. The pastor went on to declare himself the best. His wife, Judy had also sang the praises of Yul over his acting and directing skills. She declared that nobody comes close to him when it comes to acting and directing, as she crowned him the best director in Nollywood. Judy said the world needed to know how special he was as he wasn’t an ordinary person. Veteran actor, Kanayo Kanayo had given Yul his flowers. He shared a clip of him with the actor on the set of his movie, as he hailed him. Kanayo stated that whether one likes Yul or not, one can’t take away the fact that he is a great performer who knows how to use his voice and body to express his artistic mien and candor. In other news, Yul revealed one of the greatest lessons he learned from his father, Pete Edochie in his career. The father of five recounted how his father gave him the biggest advice after the first time he directed him in a movie, which he believed wasn’t his son’s best. He had the opportunity to direct his father once again and he blew him away with his artistic prowess and finally Pete him his accolades.
I’ll wait.
Coconut head, back to work.
Filming another masterpiece, THE LAST GOODMAN.
With my man directing, @donsinglefilms”.