
New Zealand’s most preferred mobile operating systems by market share

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In the modern era, smartphones have become an essential part of everyday life, serving not just as communication devices but also as platforms for entertainment, work, and social interaction. The driving force behind the functionality of these smartphones is the mobile operating system (OS). Globally, the two most dominant mobile operating systems are Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS. Both platforms command significant market share and offer unique experiences to users.

This article takes a deep dive into New Zealand’s mobile OS market to examine which platforms Kiwi mobile users prefer. Understanding this market can shed light on consumer behavior, app usage trends, and the broader technological landscape in New Zealand. By exploring the factors behind the dominance of Android and iOS, we can better understand the preferences of Kiwi mobile users and project future shifts in the mobile industry.

Mobile OS Market in New Zealand

New Zealand’s mobile OS landscape mirrors global trends, with Android and iOS accounting for the lion’s share of the market. Over the past decade, both platforms have grown significantly, while older systems like Symbian and BlackBerry OS have disappeared entirely.

In recent years, Android has maintained a slight lead over iOS, with approximately 55-60% of Kiwi mobile users opting for Android devices. Meanwhile, iOS holds a strong position, with around 40-45% of the market. These figures fluctuate slightly depending on the source, but the general trend shows Android as the preferred choice for a majority of New Zealanders.

Historically, Android’s dominance in New Zealand can be traced to the wide availability of affordable devices. Apple, on the other hand, has cultivated a strong and loyal user base, especially among wealthier demographics and business professionals. The dynamic between these two platforms is a key factor in understanding Kiwi mobile users’ preferences.

Kiwi Players at NZ online Casinos

According to a study by Kiwi Online Casino, when it comes to gambling at New Zealand online casinos, Kiwi users show a relatively even split between Android and iOS, but there are some notable trends that highlight distinct preferences. Many Kiwi mobile casino gamblers prefer iOS devices, particularly the iPhone, due to Apple’s well-established reputation for security, reliability, and smooth performance. The iOS platform is seen as more secure for online casinos in NZ, which is crucial when handling financial transactions, such as deposits and withdrawals in online casinos. Additionally, the strict vetting process of the Apple App Store ensures that casino apps meet higher security standards, giving Kiwi players peace of mind when engaging in mobile gambling.

However, Android is also a popular choice, primarily because of the broader range of devices and affordability. Android devices are more accessible, and the Google Play Store offers a wider variety of gambling apps, including some that might not be available on iOS due to Apple’s more restrictive app policies. Moreover, the flexibility and customization offered by Android are appealing to Kiwi users who enjoy the ability to modify settings or use third-party casino apps.

In terms of performance, both Android and iOS offer top-tier gambling experiences, but iOS users may benefit from slightly better app design and optimization, especially in apps created for the iPhone. That said, Android’s compatibility with a larger number of devices ensures that more players can access casino games, regardless of budget or phone model. Overall, the choice between Android and iOS for online casino gambling in New Zealand largely depends on user preferences related to security, device affordability, and app availability.

Android’s Popularity in New Zealand

Android’s Market Share in Numbers

Android’s market share in New Zealand has remained relatively stable, with approximately 55-60% of Kiwi mobile users choosing Android devices. This aligns closely with Android’s market position in other developed countries, but it stands out compared to nations like the US or Japan, where iOS dominates.

In comparison to other Oceania countries, such as Australia, New Zealand shows a slightly stronger preference for Android. This could be attributed to a number of factors, including the availability of more budget-friendly options and the influence of key manufacturers like Samsung, Huawei, and Google.

Key Factors Contributing to Android’s Popularity

The reasons behind Android’s success in New Zealand are multifaceted. One of the most prominent factors is the wide range of devices available on the platform. From high-end flagship models like the Samsung Galaxy series to more affordable options from manufacturers like Xiaomi and OPPO, Android offers something for every budget. This accessibility makes Android particularly attractive to Kiwi mobile users who prioritize value for money.

Moreover, Android’s open-source nature allows for significant customization, which appeals to tech-savvy users who want to personalize their smartphones beyond what iOS offers. Features such as custom launchers, widgets, and broader app compatibility give Android an edge for those who like flexibility in their devices.

Android also benefits from strong partnerships with New Zealand’s mobile network providers, who often bundle Android devices with attractive data plans and promotions. Telecom providers such as Spark and Vodafone frequently push Android devices through special deals, making them more accessible to a wider audience.

iOS (Apple) in New Zealand

iOS Market Share Analysis

Despite Android’s lead, Apple’s iOS holds a significant share of the New Zealand market, commanding around 40-45% of Kiwi mobile users. This is an impressive figure considering that iOS devices, particularly the iPhone, are typically more expensive than most Android phones. The fact that Apple maintains such a strong presence in the New Zealand market speaks to the loyalty and prestige associated with the brand.

Over the past five years, iOS market share in New Zealand has seen steady growth, driven in part by the consistent launch of new iPhone models and the expansion of Apple’s ecosystem, which includes devices like the iPad, MacBook, and Apple Watch.

Why iOS Appeals to New Zealanders

There are several reasons why iOS has such a strong appeal in New Zealand. First, Apple has built a reputation for producing high-quality, premium devices that are both stylish and reliable. The brand’s association with innovation and design has made it particularly popular among urban and affluent consumers in cities like Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch.

Secondly, the seamless integration of Apple’s ecosystem is a key selling point for Kiwi mobile users. Those who already own Apple products such as the MacBook or iPad are more likely to choose an iPhone to take advantage of features like iCloud, AirDrop, and Continuity, which allow for effortless syncing and communication between Apple devices.

Additionally, Apple’s focus on privacy and security has resonated with a growing segment of Kiwi mobile users who are increasingly concerned about data protection. The introduction of features like App Tracking Transparency and regular security updates has further solidified iOS’s appeal to those who prioritize privacy.

Comparative Analysis: Android vs iOS in New Zealand

User Demographics

When it comes to user demographics, there are distinct differences between Android and iOS users in New Zealand. Android tends to have a larger share of younger users, particularly those in their 20s and 30s, who are more budget-conscious. Android devices are also more popular in rural areas, where access to cheaper smartphones is a priority for many users.

In contrast, iOS has a stronger presence among older and wealthier users, as well as business professionals. iPhones are particularly popular in urban centers, where consumers are more likely to prioritize premium features and brand loyalty over price.

App Ecosystem

The app ecosystem is another area where Android and iOS differ. While both platforms offer access to millions of apps, Kiwi mobile users often report a perception that apps on iOS tend to be of higher quality and more polished compared to their Android counterparts. This is partly due to Apple’s stricter app review process, which ensures that apps meet a higher standard before they are approved for the App Store.

On the other hand, Android users benefit from a broader range of apps, including those that are not available on iOS due to Apple’s more restrictive policies. This is particularly appealing to users who value flexibility and want to explore niche apps or custom software not available on iPhones.

Device Diversity vs Ecosystem Lock-in

One of Android’s key advantages is the sheer diversity of devices available on the platform. Kiwi mobile users can choose from hundreds of different Android devices, ranging from affordable models to high-end flagships. This variety allows users to find a device that fits their specific needs and budget, something iOS cannot offer due to Apple’s exclusive control over its hardware.

However, Apple’s ecosystem lock-in can work to its advantage, as many Kiwi mobile users become loyal to iOS due to their investment in the broader Apple ecosystem. Once a user owns multiple Apple devices, switching to Android becomes less appealing, as they would lose out on the seamless integration that Apple provides.

Impact of 5G on Mobile OS Preferences

New Zealand’s 5G Rollout

New Zealand’s 5G rollout is well underway, with major telecom providers such as Spark, Vodafone, and 2degrees expanding their networks across the country. The arrival of 5G is set to have a significant impact on the mobile OS landscape, as more Kiwi mobile users upgrade to 5G-enabled smartphones.

Early Adoption Trends

So far, early adopters of 5G in New Zealand have shown a preference for both Android and iOS devices, though Android holds a slight edge due to the availability of more affordable 5G-capable smartphones. High-end models from Samsung, OPPO, and Xiaomi are particularly popular among users looking to upgrade to 5G without breaking the bank.

Apple has also seen strong demand for its 5G-capable iPhone models, particularly among users who are already invested in the Apple ecosystem. As 5G becomes more widely available, it is likely that both Android and iOS will see further growth, though Android may benefit more from the availability of budget 5G devices.

The Role of Local Telecom Providers in OS Preference

Influence of Telecom Offers

Telecom providers in New Zealand play a significant role in shaping mobile OS preferences. Many Kiwi mobile users choose their devices based on the deals and promotions offered by companies like Spark, Vodafone, and 2degrees. Android devices, in particular, are often bundled with affordable data plans, making them more accessible to budget-conscious consumers.

Mobile OS and Prepaid vs Contract Plans

In New Zealand, Android is more popular among users on prepaid plans, as these users tend to prioritize affordability. iPhones, on the other hand, are more common among those on contract plans, as these plans often make it easier to afford Apple’s premium devices through monthly installments.

Future Projections and Trends

Predicted Growth of Mobile OS Share

Looking ahead, the mobile OS market in New Zealand is likely to remain dominated by Android and iOS. However, there may be some shifts in market share as 5G becomes more widely available and as new technologies such as foldable phones and augmented reality (AR) gain traction. Android is expected to maintain its lead due to its broader range of devices, but Apple’s loyal customer base will likely continue to grow, especially as the company expands its ecosystem further.

Changing Consumer Preferences

As Kiwi mobile users become more environmentally conscious, sustainability may become a key factor in future mobile OS preferences. Apple has already made strides in this area with its focus on recycling and reducing carbon emissions, which could help boost iOS’s appeal among environmentally-conscious consumers. Android manufacturers may need to follow suit to stay competitive.


In New Zealand, the mobile OS market is a close contest between Android and iOS, with Android maintaining a slight lead due to its affordability, diversity of devices, and flexibility. iOS, however, remains a strong contender, particularly among wealthier users and those already invested in Apple’s ecosystem.

As 5G continues to roll out and new technologies emerge, both Android and iOS are poised for growth. For Kiwi mobile users, the decision between Android and iOS ultimately comes down to a balance of budget, brand loyalty, and the desire for a seamless user experience. Whether one prefers the customisation of Android or the polished ecosystem of iOS, New Zealand’s mobile OS market is set to remain dynamic and competitive for years to come.