WATCH THE VIDEO HERE The NASD Over-the-Counter (OTC) Securities Exchange ended with a 0.92 per cent growth on Monday, January 6 as investors rebalance their portfolios. Five stocks trading at Nigeria’s OTC securities exchange influenced the positive outcome yesterday, with the value of the bourse growing by N9.58 billion to N1.056 trillion from the N1.046 trillion it ended last Friday. In the same vein, the NASD Unlisted Security Index (NSI) increased at the close of business by 27.95 points to 3,080.29 points from the 3,052.34 points recorded at the previous session. 11 Plc jumped during the day by N23.21 to N255.31 per share from N232.10 per share, Acorn Petroleum Plc expanded by 14 Kobo to sell at N1.54 per unit versus N1.40 per unit, Industrial and General Insurance (IGI) Plc went up by 2 Kobo to settle at 22 Kobo per share compared with the preceding day’s 20 Kobo per share, Afriland Properties Plc added 13 Kobo to close at N16.12 per unit versus N15.99 per unit, and FrieslandCampina Wamco Nigeria Plc chalked up 24 Kobo to quote at N40.00 per share, in contrast to last Friday’s N39.76 per share. On Monday, the volume of securities traded by investors went down by 83.7 per cent to 1.8 million units from 11.3 million units, and the value of shares traded yesterday depreciated by 63.5 per cent to N20.7 million from the N56.8 million recorded in the preceding session, but the number of deals increased by 7.4 per cent to 29 deals from 27 deals. FrieslandCampina Wamco Nigeria Plc was the most active stock by value (year-to-date) with 1.8 million units worth N72.4 million, followed by 11 Plc with 12,963 units valued at N3.2 million, and IGI Plc with 10.7 million units sold for N2.1 million. IGI Plc closed the day as the most active stock by volume (year-to-date) with 10.6 million units sold for N2.1 million, trailed by FrieslandCampina Wamco Nigeria Plc with 1.8 million units valued at N72.4 million, and Acorn Petroleum Plc followed with 1.2 million units worth N1.9 million.