WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Multiple award winning film producer, and director, Kunle Afolayan has lost his mother, Omoladun Ayanladun Afolayan. reports that the late Ayanladun was aged 81. Taking to his Instagram to announce the sad news, Kunle Afolayan shared photos of his late mother at different stages of her life, including photos from her 80th birthday celebration in 2023.
The prominent film maker also noted that his mother’s death is hard to accept but her good life is a comfort to them. While seeking the prayers of all, Afolayan noted that his mother is survived by her children and grandchildren. “It is hard to accept but she surely lived a good life Our mother, Maami Omoladun Ayanladun Afolayan, has gone to rest. (1943-2024)
She’s survived by children and grandchildren. Please put us in your prayers. Omo re a gbeyin gbogbo wa.
Ire,” Kunle Afolayan wrote on Instagram.