WATCH THE VIDEO HERE The Chief spokesperson of the Obi-Datti organization, Tanko Yunusa, has said that the Obidient Movement is larger than the Labour Party. He made the remarks on Friday’s edition of Channels Television’s The Morning Brief. Tanko explained that the movement is not solely tied to the Labour Party, but rather a grassroots effort driven by a desire for good governance. He noted that even if the Labour Party or its leader, Peter Obi, stray from this path, the movement will still challenge them. The Obidient Movement, according to Tanko, is committed to promoting good governance, which is the core message of Peter Obi’s campaign. This statement comes after the Labour Party recently renamed its Directorate of Obidient Affairs to the Directorate of Mobilisation and Integration, following a backlash. The party’s National Publicity Secretary, Obiora Ifoh, announced the change, stating that the inauguration will take place on Saturday, June 8, at the party’s National Secretariat in Abuja. Peter Obi himself also clarified that the Obidient Movement transcends the Labour Party and traditional political affiliations.