WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Nollywood actor Odunlade Adekola has penned a heartfelt note following his birthday celebration. Kemi Filani reported that the actor turned a new age on December 31st. To mark his day, Odunlade shared some dapper photos of himself with a heartfelt prayer. His colleagues flooded his comment section with birthday messages and tributes. On Wednesday, the talented actor, via his Instagram page, shared photos from his birthday celebration as he appreciated everyone who celebrated and said a word of prayer for them. He wrote, “The whole world will celebrate every one of you Tag 3 people in these pictures“. Two months back, Odunlade had sung the praises of his wife, Ruth as she celebrated her birthday. He expressed happiness at celebrating his wife, who he described as wonderful, lovely, sexy, adorable, gorgeous, and God-fearing. Wishing her a happy birthday, he rained prayers on his wife. In 2022, Odunlade celebrated his wife following her ordination as a Deaconess in her church. Sharing clips from the event, the box office King hailed her as the latest Deaconess in town. He begged his wife to give out money to celebrate her new feat. Last year, actor, Funsho Adeolu made an interesting revelation about Odunlade Adekola’s wife. He described her as a home keeper that is unshaken; despite the many challenges of staying married to a celebrity.
in Jesus’ name.