WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Nollywood actress Iyabo Ojo has shared photos of her jaw-dropping look at the 85th birthday party of billionaire businessman Razaq Okoya. The movie star, who has made headlines over the years for her show-stopping look to events, wore a white gown, white turban, and purple bag to the event. In her caption, Iyabo noted how she was oozing elegance and was dripping in all glory. She appreciated the designers and stylists behind her look and also appreciated the Okoyas for the invitation. “Regal elegance! Queen Mother in all of her glory. The 85th birthday party of Chief (Dr) Rasaq Akanni Okoya (CON) was indeed a glorious one. Special thanks to the incredible designers and stylists behind my look”. Her fans took to her comment section to gush over her look. One Bettys Couture1 wrote, “Dearest Queen Mother. Always dishing out gorgeousness One Symply Sino wrote, “A Queen One Bisola Randy wrote, “Beautiful One Huttey Willy Collection_backup wrote, “Queen mother for so many reasons. You are so gorgeous and graceful One Eyinjoluwa001 wrote, “You are so exceptionally gorgeous and elegant right here, Queen One Its Yetty wrote, “Mama with the sauce One Bimbola Bim wrote, “Omo, the mother that mothered their mother One Ferrari Bongkem wrote, “Mind-blowing beauty. Dammit! I am in love”. While counting down to her birthday in December, Iyabo shared a video of herself in her luxury car, as she revealed that there was no more keeping quiet and it was time for her to shine. In a previous post, she shared her testimony online as she recalled her dark and trying moments. In the video, she was captured testifying of how God preserved her, her family, and her businesses as she thanked her maker for the times he came through for her when things were tough. In other news, Iyabo, in a recent interview, made a shocking revelation about her childhood. She revealed that she was raped 5 times. The Yoruba actress also spoke about how her dad disowned her when she insisted on getting married to her late husband. Iyabo Ojo was once married to the father of her two kids, Priscilla and Festus Ojo, Mr. Ademidun Ojo. Unfortunately, the marriage packed up shortly after the birth of their two children. Speaking on it, Iyabo in a podcast interview revealed that she experienced poverty for the first time when she married her now ex-husband. She described the experience with her ex-husband as an adventure for her, as she was craving attention, which her now ex was providing to her at that time.