WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Veteran Nollywood actor Richard Mofe Damijo, also known as RMD, has beautifully celebrated his wife, Jumobi’s birthday. RMD took to his verified Instagram page to express pride in his wife’s achievements. Celebrating his wife’s new age, the actor spoke about how she turned her passion into purpose. Mofe Damijo celebrated the brand which was birthed on his wife’s birthday four years ago. He wrote, “PSA: Today is Abiks’ birthday, but that’s only half the story! 4 years ago, she turned her passion into purpose, birthing Blends and Blingz, the brand behind iconic scents like Timeless by RMD, Onome, Korede, Love in Bloom … Happy 4th Anniversary to Blends and Blingz, a testament to Abike’s vision and creativity! Celebrate with her by following @blendsnblingz and shopping with love today!” Kemi Filani recalls that Richard Mofe Damijo surrendered his life to God when he turned 62 in 2023. He shared dark-themed photos of himself dressed in white and expressed how overwhelmed and grateful he was. Surrendering his life to God, he told Him to use him as he was ready. He clocked 63 amidst love and cheers from his fans, followers and colleagues. He shared dashing photos of himself on his Instagram page and thanked God and his amazing family and friends for his 63rd. RMD saluted everyone, including his unwavering fans, who stood by him.