WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Qualcomm has launched the Snapdragon 8 Elite as its latest flagship SoC for mobile devices. The new chip boasts outstanding power and efficiency, making it a contender for chip of the year. As expected, the Snapdragon 8 Elite supports the latest memory and storage technologies to deliver maximum performance. This includes the latest generation of Micron’s LPDDR5X memory/RAM. Leaks about the Snapdragon 8 Elite mentioned that the chip would support LPDDR5X RAM modules. This suggested that there might not be any speed improvements in this department. However, Micron, a memory provider, has been working on improving its LPDDR5X RAM solution. The result is faster and more efficient memory than ever. The latest generation of Micron’s LPDDR5X memory boasts a high speed of 9.6 gigabits per second. This represents a 12% increase in peak bandwidth compared to the company’s previous generation of LPDDR5X memory (8.5 Gbps). This also equals the bandwidth of SK Hynix’s LPDDR5T memory. The Snapdragon 8 Elite supports RAM modules with a clock speed of up to 5.3 GHz. The manufacturing process for memory is just as important as it is for chipsets. So, Micron turned to its advanced 1β (1-beta) process technology for its fastest RAM solution. This results in higher efficiency and lower power consumption. The properties of Micron’s new-gen LPDDR5X memory are ideal for today’s AI-dominated tech industry. RAM plays an especially important role in the artificial intelligence era, especially when it comes to on-device processing. Powerful devices like the vanilla and Plus iPhone 15 models were left off the Apple Intelligence support list primarily due to RAM limitations. The latest Snapdragon 8 Elite also supports Micron’s UFS 4.0 storage. This enables ultra-fast read speeds of 4,300 megabytes per second (MBps). It also guarantees write speeds of up to 4,000 megabytes per second. The RAM and storage supported by the Snapdragon 8 Elite are critical to the high performance and efficiency it boasts.The Snapdragon 8 Elite chip supports Micron’s fastest LPDDR5X memory
RAM performance is key in the AI era
Support for Micron’s UFS 4.0 storage onboard as well