WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Wizkid’s ex-girlfriend and popular businesswoman Tania Omotayo has just welcomed her second child, and congratulatory messages are already flooding in. She had shared a video on Snapchat of her older daughter playing with the baby, who was laying in the cradle. While the arrival of the child has been solidified because of the video, Tania didn’t mention the exact day that she gave birth, or even the gender of the baby, so it still remains a mystery. Netizens camped in the comments, sending in congratulatory messages, while a few of them thanked the heavens on her behalf that she left Wizkid. queenvee_hive wrote, “So glad she left wizkid she for be baby mama now” exceptional_souvenir wrote, “This is how they’ll congratulate usfor my sister’s own too” badguyforrealmen wrote, “Women and money. So after all the cheating and him being a yahoo boy she still no leave am but instead born second child for him. My brother hustle oooo” houseofjaycee_ng wrote, “It’s raining babies this season. praying for all TTC and pregnant ang_ry124 wrote, “Who is her husband please? And how is she related with wizkid with this baby mama thing am lost here” koolsat04 wrote, “The way I like this Tania ehn if na some girls she go wan die for her ex mata just bkos he superstar. Sophia Momodu should learn” its.midee wrote, “Just wish her congratulations and skip which one is ehn Wizkid yen yen yen” lilseunsmusic wrote, “congratulations Tania Omotayo and using you as a point of contact to all the ladies out there looking unto God for the fruit of the womb that the Lord God Almighty would bless you females with glorious children in Jesus precious name.” bvlkiss wrote, “Omo y’all talk too much!
women. you will Carry your bundle of joy soon”
Congratulate her and move on who asked you about her past or her marriage? Smh”