WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Nollywood actress and mum of two Adesua Etomi has penned a sweet note in celebration of one of her colleagues turned BFF, Bisola Aiyeola. Taking to her Instagram page to share a clip of her and the reality star over the years, she affirmed her love for Bisola as she praised her for being fiercely loyal, beautiful, talented, lovely, and sweet. Adesua expressed how blessed she is to have her as her person and appreciated her for being who she is, for always being there for her, and for the countless times she made her laugh. The wife of Banky W prayed that laughter wouldn’t cease in Bisola’s life. “Sholly sugar Please take a moment to appreciate my birthday song. It comes from the bottom of my heart. Please consider it a beautiful gesture, just like the one you did for my birthday. When Bisola turned 37 two years back, Adesua had penned a beautiful note to her, expressing how blessed she was to have her as a friend and appreciating her for her love. Describing her as one of her favorites on this planet, she praised Bisola for being loyal to the core and noted how the former BBNaija’s housemate is always ready to fight on her behalf. In different news, Adesua Etomi and her husband, Banky W, recently celebrated their 7th wedding anniversary. Banky shared a video of him and his wife over the years, as he appreciated Adesua for choosing him as he recalled how nervous he was to be a father and husband. Adesua, on her part, kept things short and simple as she reaffirmed her love for Banky.
Sholly Louboutin
Sholly un
Happy birthday my darling @iambisola
I love you so much. You are so lovely. So sweet. Fiercely loyal, so beautiful, insanely talented, and I’m just so blessed to have you as my person. Thank you for being who you are. For always being there and for the countless times you have made me laugh. May laughter never cease in your life. May your days be filled with endless joy. May the world celebrate you, and may the Lord give you a birthday gift that money can’t buy in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Love you long time, baby”.