WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Nollywood actress Faithia Williams has paid a condolence visit to Nigeria’s Fuji maestro, King Wasiu Ayinde, popularly known as Kwam1 or K1 De Ultimate. Kemi Filani reported on Saturday that the Fuji maestro had announced the death of his 105-year-old mother, Alhaja Halima Anifowoshe. Keeping up with Islamic traditions, the Fuji singer laid his mother to rest on the same day, which drew a massive crowd. Following the sad news, the movie star, in a video captured online was seen visiting the singer’s house accompanied by another colleague. In the clip, Faithia was seen holding the hands of Emmanuella Ropo, his wife, as they pranced around his house. Reacting to the video, one Yetunde Taiwo Shodunke wrote, “They kuku lookalike, just the height is different One Bukky Lawal gushing over Faithia wrote, “I just love this woman One Abisola Imran wrote, “The resemblance One Yetmaks wrote, “Queen Emmanuella Ayinde Marshal, you are blessed in Jesus Mighty name One Olamide Royalty wrote, “Our gallant Queen One Official Oluwaseun Williams, wrote, “She is very clean and beautiful”. On Sunday, Emmanuella had penned an emotional note to her late mother-in-law, who she described as a jewel. She praised her husband’s mother for displaying the true essence of a mother in life towards her till her last breath. She stated that her words of wisdom will keep her going and will be her guide through her journey of life. The businesswoman stated that her late mother-in-law had ears that listened, arms that always held, a neverending love, and a heart of gold, and added that the Ekiti blood in her made her see her late mother in her always. The death of Kwam1’s mother is coming a day after he lost one of his wives, Alhaja Hafsat Anifowoshe. The 65-year-old wife of the singer died from an undisclosed illness and was buried immediately at Abari Cemetery, Lagos, in line with Islamic traditions. Speaking on her death, the Chief Press Secretary to the LIEL CDA chairman, described the deceased as an excellent woman and loving mother. He noted how her time spent on earth was a good service to God and humanity.