WATCH THE VIDEO HERE The Minister of Education, Tunji Alausa, shared this development during the 2024 Year-End Review on Channels Television on December 31, 2024. Naijaonpoint understands that History had been removed from the Nigerian school curriculum in 2007, which sparked widespread criticism over the years. Addressing the issue, Alausa explained, “Let me go to basic education, the curriculum is good. One important thing has been missing in the past was Nigerian history. We have now people of 30 years disconnected from our history, it doesn’t happen in any part of the world.” Alausa added that President Tinubu recognized the importance of restoring this critical subject to bridge the generational gap in historical knowledge. “President Bola Tinubu has mandated that we put that back in our curriculum and that is back. From 2025, our students in primary schools, JSS and secondary schools will have that as part of their studies,” he confirmed The National President of the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), Prof. Emmanuel Osodeke, has highlighted the most significant challenges that lecturers faced in 2024. Naijaonpoint reports that Osodeke, in an interview with Punch, expressed concern over the increasing number of Nigerian lecturers relocating abroad. Osodeke said Nigerian universities would soon be left with a dwindling number of qualified lecturers if the relocation trend for green pastures continues.
President Bola Tinubu has given the green light for the return of History as a compulsory subject in primary and secondary schools starting in 2025.