WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Toncoin (TON) the native crypto asset of Telegram’s The Open Network (TON) ecosystem surged by 12% following an announcement by Binance that the token would be listed for trading on August 8. Binance announced the development around Ton on its official X page giving insights on the various trading pairs available on its platform. “Fellow Binancians, Binance will list Toncoin (TON) and open trading for the following spot trading pairs at 2024–08–08 10:00 (UTC). Notes: The announcement highlighted plans to apply a seed tag to Toncoin. Binance assigns seed tags to cryptocurrencies that are fresh and still in their development stage. The Seed tag label indicates coins prone to high volatility and carry greater risk. It is placed to warn investors about the risks involved before trading. Toncoin is a decentralized and open L1 blockchain, created by the community using a technology designed by Telegram. TON surged by 10% in June making an entrance into the top ten cryptocurrencies by Market Capitalization. TON went on to surge by another 15% in the following week and currently has a market capitalization of $15.7 billion. Toncoin became an important asset during the rise of Telegram-based Web3 clicker games like Tapswap and Hamster Kombat. Toncoin is the native crypto asset of the TON blockchain where these projects are hosted and is used for gas fees and utilities. At the time of Report, Toncoin is exchanging hands for $6.22 surging by 9.2% in the last 24 hours with a maximum price of $6.41 and a minimum price of $5.36. The crypto asset is 25.3% from its all-time high of $8.25