WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Banana crypto game is among the latest additions to the Tap to earn crypto projects hosted on Telegram and powered by the Open Network (TON) blockchain. The game was launched in July and is powered by CARVS, a blockchain data protocol designed for gaming and AI projects. The Banana project is CARVS’s first incubated project and the game which exists as a telegram mini app has garnered over 10 million users since its launch. The CARV Protocol is a modular data layer that enables the gaming and AI industries to share data and transfer money. The protocol facilitates data verification, identity authentication, processing, storage, model training, and value distribution, among other end-to-end data flow procedures. It guarantees that privacy, ownership, and control remain firmly in the hands of individuals. The Banana Crypto game is quite similar to other clicker games in terms of gameplay and interface. The project hopes to build on the success of other Tap-to-earn games like Notcoin, Tapswap, and Blum leveraging Telegram’s massive user base and leading the adoption of new users to Web 3. Before we go into details on how to participate and make money with the Banana game. Let us briefly describe the project and what it entails. What is Banana? Banana is a Tap to Earn Web 3 crypto game hosted on Telegram where players can earn Banana Peels by tapping repeatedly on the interface of the game. The game like every other Telegram clicker game is powered by a Telegram bot that launches the game upon clicking on it. Banana game exists on Telegram as a mini app and players are expected to buy a variety of colorful bananas with their hard-earned PEELS. The game also offers an additional feature where Bananas can be earned directly by referring friends and completing tasks. The more clicks a player has in the game, the more PEELS they earn. The game has garnered over 10 million players since its launch in late July. Players of the Banana game can earn USDT by using their earned PEELS to buy a digital picture of Banana’s. Players of the Banana game can earn USDT by using their earned PEELS to buy a digital picture of Banana’s. These digital bananas can then be sold in $USDT through the in-app marketplace or a peer-to-peer transaction. The rarer the digital banana is, the higher its price. A digital banana once sold for $500.