WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Nollywood actress Rita Edochie has penned a note to Jennifer Awele, the wife of her late Junior colleague, Junior Pope as she turns a new age. Taking to her Instagram page, she described Jennifer as a strong, resilient, and hard worker. She stated that she isn’t just celebrating her birth, but her strength, resilience, and unwavering support in the face of adversity. She noted how last year, Jennifer faced an unimaginable loss, but she refused to let it define her and instead, rose like a Phoenix from the ashes and has continued to shine brighter. Edochie prayed that as she marks another year, the shadows of affliction will never fall on her, and the warmth of life will continue to guide and protect her. “It’s late Junior Pope’s wife’s birthday. Happy birthday to my incredible daughter, Mrs Jennifer Odonwodo, a strong and resilient girl and, more importantly, an extremely hard worker. Today, we celebrate not just your birth but your strength, resilience, and unwavering courage in the face of adversity. Last year, you faced an unimaginable loss as per the demise of your dear husband who was also my great son. But you refused to let it define you, instead, you rose like a Phoenix from the ashes, and your beauty inside and out has continued to shine brighter. As you mark another year of life, I pray that the shadows of affliction will never fall on you again, and may the warmth of love, the light of hope, and the power of your unbreakable spirit continue to guide and protect you. Kay, you are a testament to the strength of the human spirit, and I am so proud to call you my daughter. May this new year of life bring you joy, peace, and fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams. Happy birthday, my greatdaughter. Here’s to many more years of living, loving, and thriving. I wish you every good thing in life you wish yourself IJN. Amen. Great lovers of Rita Edochie, please join me and celebrate her”. Refreshing your memory, Junior Pope and others lost their lives after drowning at Anam River in Anambra State while returning from a movie set produced by Adanma Luke on April 8th. Luke had received tons of backlash for not providing the actors with safety procedures, which led to their deaths. When the news of his death broke out, Rita didn’t cease to pay tribute to him. The veteran had even refused to celebrate her birthday in April as she dedicated it in memory of JP. She noted how the late actor never missed her birthdays while adding that no death in Nollywood had made her this crãzy. She had even clashed with her nephew, Yul Edochie after he spoke about his soured relationship with Junior Pope and how the deceased betrayed him. Rita stated that Pope’s image wouldn’t be dented in his lifetime. When the news made rounds that Pope and Jennifer were on the verge of divorce before her death, she appealed to Nigerians to allow her to be as they noted how misunderstanding happens between couples. In July, on what would had been Junior Pope and Jennifer’s 10th anniversary, Rita assured Jennifer that God had his reasons for everything that had happened and called for prayers for his family.
I love you more than words can express.