WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Nollywood actress Regina Daniels has come under fire over her outfit to meet with the President of Ghana. Kemi Filani reported a day back that Daniels, alongside her husband, Ned Nwoko, and their sons, had stormed Ghana for the inauguration of John Dramani Mahama as president. Taking to her Instagram page, Regina shared photos from the inauguration. In one of the photos, the light-skinned beauty was captured posing with the new President alongside her husband. The photos didn’t sit well with some of her followers who slammed her for wearing a dress that exposed her cleavage. One Tmonee wrote, “You should consider hiring a stylist. There is a dress for every occasion One Shield Baby wrote, “Wear the appropriate clothes next time. We have wears for different functions; you can’t expose your breast in front of our president”. This isn’t the first time, the wife of Ned Nwoko is getting criticized over her outfit. In December, Regina came under fire over her outfit for an outing. The mother of two wore a bomb shorts, a red top, and a hat as she bragged about her worth. A fan, who wasn’t pleased with her outfit, slammed her as he noted how she is the wife of a Senator. In other news, a concerned fan of Daniels had made a passionate appeal to her over her love for editing. The fan urged her to reduce her love for editing as he noted how she looks talk at times and looks short other times. In October, when Regina made a post on Instagram, hyping herself up while she posed in a gold-colored dress that hugged her frame, some netizens slammed her for over-editing her photos. Back in September, Social media critic Oriretan Honour slammed her for getting married at an early age without knowing the responsibilities that came with it. He admonished her regain her weight, limit the amount of time she spends in the gym, do family planning and not overwork her body. According to him, looking sexy should be her top priority to stop her husband from remarrying. In different news, Regina Daniels had replied Angela Okorie and others, who shamed her for marrying an old rich man yet advising Nigerians on the 2024 August protest. Regina reacted to her tantrums by sharing a video of her and her husband as she noted how she was blessed by God and spoilt by her baby. Ned Nwoko had also defended her against her haters, as he was captured at an event kissing her, which left Regina taken aback by his sweet gesture as she smiled sheepishly.