
“Your joy is contagious” – Ini Edo shares as congratulates Sharon Ooja on her marriage

MixCollage 01 Jul 2024 08 49 AM 4904


Sharon Ooja’s wedding ceremony may be over but congratulatory messages are still trooping in. In a recent post, actress Ini Edo took out time to celebrate Sharon Ooja on her just concluded nuptials.

Ini Edo congratulated Sharon Ooja on her wedding.

In her post, Ini Edo wrote;

”Your Joy is contagious @sharonooja Going through every video ,biting my fingers for not being able to physically be present, all I see is a woman with a spirit of excellence,
class, inward beauty and God’s love.

l admire you Sharon. I bless God for you and everything you have prayed for in this marriage, I align with the universe to echo a
huge amen to you now and forever. Happy married life darling”

Sharon Ooja replied to Ini Edo’s post, showing her gratitude for the extension of well wishes towards her marriage.

Ini Edo mentioned that she was pained that she couldn’t attend Sharon Ooja’s wedding, which gave the indication that she was initially invited.

Sharon Ooja’s wedding was a star studded event, with many of her colleagues in the movie industry being in attendance.

It is clear that Sharon Ooja is well liked among her colleagues and netizens, judging from the inflow of well wishes and the number of celebrities in attendance.

Even Davido who had just gotten married sent in well wishes for Sharon Ooja’s wedding, and she replied him with a word of prayer over his own marriage.

If there’s one thing Sharon Ooja has been doing lately, it is to pray openly, both for her well wishers and trolls.

A few months back when netizens trolled her for not revealing her man’s face, she virtually went down on her knees, and used Bible verses to lay curses on them for attacking her.

Sharon Ooja has clearly developed thick skin against naysayers, as she didn’t respond to the recent drama surrounding her husband and his ex-wives being revealed.