
Your Support Has Kept This Administration Afloat Till This Hour-Gov. Fubara Hails Rivers State Judiciary @2024/2025 Legal Year

Fubara legal week


I want to thank the Rivers State Judiciary, especially the High Court of Rivers State, for your support in keeping this administration afloat until this hour.

We are well aware that a good number of you have been threatened through phone calls and even physical assaults. We also know that some of you have faced professional threats through false and frivolous petitions. One thing you must understand is that when you are doing the right thing, you will face persecution. To those of you who are standing strong and being attacked from all sides, be courageous—this will soon be over. Nothing lasts forever!

The first processional hymn we sang today says:
“God is working His purpose out, as year succeeds to year; God is working His purpose out and the time is drawing near; nearer and nearer draws the time, the time that shall surely be: when the earth shall be filled with the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.”

You must work with faith, for that time shall surely come. What we are praying for in this country is institutional strength, not individual strength. Institutional strength is the only thing that will bring development to this nation. If I were a businessman coming to invest in Nigeria, why would I do so when I see that institutions are weak and individuals are stronger than the institutions? Some of you, as legal luminaries, know the truth, but you go on air just to pacify your paymasters, turning the law upside down.

We all know the law. When it comes to cases involving the administration of governance in the state, it is the duty of the State High Courts. It doesn’t matter whether INEC or the Police are involved; it is a straightforward matter. I’m not a lawyer, but even I know this.

Let me say it clearly: Judges, you are the “gods” we see here. Your position is to stand and defend us, to look at whoever comes before you and tell them the truth. Because if you don’t do it here, you will have a big question to answer later. The preacher said it: for every evil done in the course of administering justice, you will pay for it dearly.

Like the word of God says, surely all the ups and downs we are experiencing in this state will come to an end. So, let me thank you for your support. More challenges will come; they will attack you in many ways, but be strong. As a government, I have never called any of you to do what is wrong, and I never will. I have always preached that we stand on the side of truth.

This state belongs to all of us. It is not about Fubara today; if this institution is destroyed, the same will happen when someone else comes tomorrow. We need to stand and defend our institutions, and you are the right people to do it. I’m here today to assure you that, even in my last breath, I will defend the cause of justice in this state.

I know the journey has not been easy due to all the challenges. A lot of the good work we are doing is being overshadowed by negative news, but very soon we will start showcasing what we are doing—not just for the Judiciary but in other areas of governance in our dear state.

I want to thank you again and assure you of my continued support. My prayer, as you begin your new legal year, is that God will be with you, and we will support you. The leadership of the Judiciary, led by my Lord the Chief Judge, Justice Simeon Chibuzor Amadi, will record great successes. We will give you all the support you need. If we ever call you to do anything wrong, disgrace us publicly! Likewise, if someone calls you, be bold enough to tell the world that you were approached but refused.

To the good people of Rivers State, I appreciate your support. Around this time last year, the story was different, but today we are smiling because we have what no amount of opposition can take away—we have God. When God is involved in your affairs, no level of gang-up can defeat you. We put our trust in Him, and He will lead us to the end and even beyond, in Jesus’ name!

Gov. Siminalayi Fubara speaking during the Re-Dedication Service for the Opening of the 2024/2025 Legal Year held at Cathedral Church Of St. Paul’s, Diobu, Port-Harcourt