WATCH THE VIDEO HERE realme launched the NARZO 70 Pro 5G smartphone in India earlier this week, and the phone went on early bird sale on the launch day, 19th March from 6PM on and Now the company has announced that it sold 300 units per minute, which is 338% increase compared to the first sales units of the previous generation. This is based on data from the first 30 minutes of the first day sale, says the company. To remind you, the phone packs a 6.7-inch FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED screen with up to 2000 nits peak brightness and rain water smart touch tech. It is powered by MediaTek Dimensity 7050 SoC with 4353mm² vapor chamber, 7-layer dissipation architecture. It packs 8GB of RAM with up to 8GB of RAM expansion, has a 50MP Sony IMX890 sensor with OIS. The phone runs Android 14 with realme UI 5.0. It has a Duo Touch Glass back with Horizon Glass design that has dual texture material that has mirror glass on the top and matte finish on the bottom, and has Air Gesture support with 10 gestures. The phone packs a 5000mAh battery with 67W SuperVOOC fast charging that offers up to 50% charge in 19 minutes. The realme NARZO 70 Pro 5G comes in Glass Green and Glass Gold colours and is priced at Rs. 19,999 for the 8GB + 128GB model and the 8GB + 256GB model costs Rs. 21,999. The phone will be available from, and offline stores from March 22nd. Launch offers
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