WATCH THE VIDEO HERE OnePlus launched the OnePlus 12R, the company’s latest R series phone, in India in January in 8GB + 128GB and 16GB + 256GB models priced starting at Rs. 39,999. Today, it has launched a new 8GB + 256GB version of the phone in the country. The OnePlus 12R 8GB + 256GB version is priced at Rs. 42,999 that lies between the 8GB + 128GB model and the top-end 16GB + 256GB model that costs Rs. 45,999. It will be available across, OnePlus Store App,, OnePlus Experience stores, and other offline partner stores. OnePlus Easy Upgrades The OnePlus Easy Upgrades program allows customers to own the OnePlus 12R Flagship by paying only the initial 65% of its price with 24 months of No-cost EMI. This program guarantees 35% Assured Value for the OnePlus 12R, providing an opportunity for users to upgrade to a new OnePlus Flagship. You can also combine the offer with any available exchange offers and more for an even better offering.
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