WATCH THE VIDEO HERE Samsung is gearing up to introduce its latest Galaxy foldable smartphones later this year. According to reports, the upcoming Galaxy Z Flip 6 might feature an Exynos processor instead of a Snapdragon. Revegnus, a tipster, shared this possibility, expressing uncertainty but stating he wouldn’t be “surprised” if the Exynos is used for Z Flip 6. Another source, OreXDA, also supports this claim. However, Samsung typically sticks to Snapdragon processors for its Fold and Flip models, as both the Galaxy Z Flip5 and Fold5 use Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chips. This aligns with Samsung’s strategy, as seen with the Galaxy S24 models, where India and Europe receive the Exynos 2400 while the US, Canada, China, and Japan get the Snapdragon version. If Samsung chooses the Exynos chip for the Galaxy Z Flip 6, it would deviate from its usual Qualcomm processor tradition, and may also represent a cost-cutting measure. Though the upcoming Galaxy Z Fold 6 and Galaxy Z Flip 6 are expected to come with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip, if the Exynos rumor holds true, European models might feature the Exynos 2400. While the tipster specifically mentioned the Galaxy Z Flip 6, not the Galaxy Z Fold 6, there’s hope that the latter will not follow the same path. However, the fate of the Galaxy Z Fold 6 remains uncertain. While the Exynos 2400 offers improved performance over its predecessor, the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 could still be the superior choice for consumers. Both devices are anticipated to launch in July, with July 10 speculated as the launch date, although Samsung has not officially confirmed this yet. More details about the devices are expected to emerge as the launch draws closer.