Movie News

Why Patrick Warburton's Parents Hate His Work On Family Guy

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Throughout the years, “Family Guy” characters have gone too far on numerous occasions, making the program rather divisive. Considering the subject matter of some jokes, it’s a wonder the Warburtons’ wish hasn’t come true and the show hasn’t been canceled for good. In the eyes of Patrick Warburton, though, “Family Guy” and its many line-crossing moments aren’t worth getting angry over in the grand scheme of things.

Speaking with People at PaleyFest, Warburton explained that, at the end of the day, “Family Guy” is just a satirical show. “A lot of people actually who really don’t get satire and just find themselves offended with everything,” he said, going on to praise the Seth MacFarlane-created series for its ability to use satire effectively, taking full advantage of its unique position in terms of comedy mediums. “Cartoon satire can say things that nobody else can, whether it be in live action or on a stage or whatnot.”

“Family Guy” is graphic, offensive, and sometimes difficult to get through, but it’s a television cornerstone all the same. For as hard as the Warburtons and others push against it, it stands to reason it’ll stick around in all of its crass glory for many more years to come, while likely adding to the already lengthy list of deleted “Family Guy” scenes we’ll never see on TV along the way.