
“I paid for it” Toke Makinwa speaks on body enhancement surgery gif maker 2022 06 08T125432.743 1

In a recent development, media personality Toke Makinwa has responded to questions about her body enhancement surgery.

The media personality, who has been answering a lot of questions on the X-Platform today, responded to a particular netizen who asked her if her bum is real.

This netizen, known as HappinessIsFree, had this to say,

“Your niash na real.”

She responded by stating that she paid for it, so it’s hers. In her response, she states,

“I paid for it, so it’s mine. “

Another fan also asked her if she could change anything if she could go back in time. And she revealed that, there was nothing that she could change because regret is exhausting.

However, she expressed that one thing that she would change if she had to was bleaching of her skin. She went on to narrate how it was the dumbest thing she had ever done and that she’s thankful that she has good genes and money.

Now, also recall that Naijaonpoint had reported just a few hours ago, that Toke Makiwa had stirred a lot of reactions as she expressed that she was seeking members for her newly founded Believers Fellowship.

Toke spoke out about her deal with God, which includes surrendering and letting go of the wheel to Him to do His best. The OAP also appreciated God for always keeping His word to her, even when she did not fulfill her side of the bargain. She also disclosed her new plans to start a fellowship group with believers because she now wants to experience God with people who also believe in God.